It's a great game. Even if you didn't play the first one, you'll still love it. Great campaign and multiplayer.

User Rating: 8 | Conduit 2 WII
It's awesome. Good graphics for a wii game, good story, exciting fire-fights and boss battles, good level design. It has some wearons that you may be familior with if you play call of duty, like the SPAS 12, but it also has some very cool made up guns, like one that can shoot an enemy through a wall. It has really good controls, too. You can even customize the camera's behavior and stuff. There are only two problems with this game that I can see. 1. campaign could be longer (it's still good, just not very long), and 2. is that it has a few small bugs. Other than these two things, I honestly don't see anything wrong with it. One more great thing is that it has more difficulty levels than most games, so you can have the game just right, not too hard, not too easy. I'd definately recomend it to anybody who owns a wii that is thirteen years old or more. And if you're worried about the price, it isn't anything too high, and it's totally worth it.