Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

User Rating: 4.5 | Crackdown 2 X360
Remember how clever the "Voice of the Agency" was in the first game? Well, he ain't that clever in this one. In fact, he is the most annoying thing I have EVER encountered in a video game.

You know how most games will either stop giving you tutorial hints after the first hour or let you disable them. Not, Crackdown 2. You wade through the same tips over and over again until you snap and murder your love-ones. Just shut-up! I've heard this all before a hundred times! Why won't you shut up? Shut up and die!!!

You die in a fight with a million terrorists all who have you out-gunned, he tells you "try again when you grow a pair."

SHUT UP! I'm not the one who designed this game to be so frustrating. The enemies get better weapons than you and they're EVERYWHERE! Try to take cover, they snipe you or blow your rear to the moon with rocket. They're on every rooftop raining hellfire down on you and you can't tell what's going on.

Meanwhile, "the Voice" is just blabbering away. "use that turrent," "you should get some cover," "there's a hit-squad after you."

Shut up! I've been playing this game for twelve hours! I know what a flashing red screen means! SHUT UP! I will murder you if you don't just SHUT UP!!!

The design of the game weighs everything down. It's like they made it just to frustrate you. Want to make a jump? BOINK! Shutters in the way. Want to jump down. Nope! You grab the ledge. Want to actually grab a ledge. WRONG! You grate your face against the wall.

The driving is horrible! The cars are like magnets to the walls. Not to mention their is stuff all over the roads. Walls and boulders everywhere. Not to mention cop cars that swerve into you that gives you another rebuke by "the Voice."

Meanwhile, "the Voice" continues the drone away about a nearby freakhole. It asks you where you going. It shames you back into the meat-grinder. It tells you not to kill civilians but the game has them cluster around enemies when they should be running for cover.

This game is designed to make you crazy. Avoid it like a freak plague.