Cortex is back and it's up to one bandicoot to put a stop to his evil plans.

User Rating: 8 | Crash: Mind Over Mutant PS2
Crash Bandicoot is one of the most popular characters to appear on the Playstation 2 system as I have played Crash of the Titans as I really enjoyed it so now there is a sequel to it as it is titled Crash: Mind Over Mutant which is out on not only the PS2 but other consoles too.
The story follows a little while after the events that happened in Crash of the Titans as Crash and the other bandicoots Coco and Crunch along with their friend Aku Aku are enjoying life until they see a tv commerical on their new tv maded from the giant robot eye that a new device called NV has been released but little did they know that this was yet another master plan of the evil Doctor Cortex who this time has teamed up with his old partner Doctor Brio as they plan to use these devices to take over everyone's mind when they have them on but for some reason it doesn't work on Crash so now he must journey from different parts of the island of Wumpa in order to stop this evil plan from going on and in the process save his family.
The game is different then a few of the other games as this one is more free roaming as you can travel to different locations of the island and beyond which include a ice kingdom , a wasteland , a jungle , a junkyard and even a spooky mountain as there is alot of stuff to do like fighting enemies , collecting dolls of characters like Crash Bandicoot which if you collect enough then you can unlock stuff back in your house on Wumpa Island and collect mojo to help upgrade your character to make him more stronger as he will need it if he is to survice.
And just like in the Crash of the Titans game the Titans have returned as some of them you will know from the other game like the Spike , Ratcicle and Rhinoroller plus there are two new titans that appear in the game as they include TK which looks like a bird in a giant ball with legs and arms that can use psychic like powers to move platforms and switches then there is Grimly which that is a ghost like character that can slow down time to move across platforms that are moving too fast for Crash to cross and even defeat enemies faster this way also to mention that unlike the other game you can carry a Titan with you but only one at a time so if you want a different titan to play with then you would have to get rid of the one your carrying and get the new one and also if you riding on the titan and it collects mojo then it's own skills will be upgrades instead of Crash as they need to be strong just like Crash to battle the forces of evil.
The game was really fun as I enjoy games like that and as a bonus if you have a friend that likes to play games then you both can play in a co-op mode as you both play through together so that is one good thing with this game but other then that it is just plain fun to play.