It's... well, it's not all that great. But just be a little patient with this one.

User Rating: 5 | Crash of the Titans GBA
If you’re looking for one more good Crash game on the GBA, I’m sorry to say, but this isn’t it.

Well first off, Crash moves all sluggish and stuff and his jump is highly bogged down. I also didn't like that you had to get an upgrade to double jump. The controls were a little... slow. The combos and attacks aren't all that great in the beginning, but once you get the Spin move, you can start pulling off some sick combos. There are a lot of detection bugs and such, and it can get pretty annoying.

Enemies, enemies, enemies. They're tough. All of em. But all you need to do is get Mojo, Mojo, Mojo. Then you get stronger, stronger, stronger. Then you can start kicking some serious butt. The best titan has to be Spike, just because he's in the game. In fact a lot of Radical's titans are in the game. And speaking of enemies, EVERY enemy in this game (not including Titans) are either Doom Monkeys or tiny little robots that some titans are too tall to hit.

The music... well, it's alright, but it's not Crash. I like quite a few songs, but it's just not Crash. I could go on like this for an hour, but at the end of the sentence, it will always say, "it's just not Crash".

Graphics are pretty good, but the Crash sprite was too big, and the titans were too small. I didn't pay much attention to the backgrounds, but they looked alright from what I did see.

Overall I was pretty disappointed. The DS version was great, and heck, the PSP version was as good as the PS2 version! (It was a port; it's a joke) Why would Amaze just neglect the GBA version, even if no one has a GBA anymore and no one would buy this? I DON'T CARE!!!

Crash of the Titans for the Nintendo GameBoy Advance gets a 5/10. Try again, Amaze.