Why the developers chose to alter Crash's look and the classic feel is beyond me!

User Rating: 5 | Crash of the Titans PS2
As a long time Die-Hard Crash Bandicoot fan I was shocked to find out that Crash Bandicoot was reduced to a bare minimum.

To be quite honest When I saw this game for under 10 bucks and saw the cover art for it I immediately knew that this game would be a disappointment, but I somehow had to have it since it was missing in my Crash Bandicoot game library. When I started it up... Oh boy I wish I hadn't.

From the moment I started to control the new "improved" Crash I immediately found one of the biggest faults in the game already, and I was 10 seconds into the game!? Crash can longer spin, and when he finally gets the ability he does it halfhearted at best, actually Crash's movements are no longer fluid, but more jaggy, he now punches!? That's right PUNCHES, how original? looks like a complete fox now, he no longer resembles the goofy looking Bandicoot we grew up to love. And the top of the iceberg, he now has some silly looking tattoos on his arms, YES I AM NOT KIDDING!? :(

Every character has gone through a change Coco looks more mature now, Crunch has lost some muscle, Aku Aku and Uka Uka are unrecognizable! Tiny looks like a weak tiger now with his head having lost all its funny trademarks, basically almost every character has been visually degraded, Crash being the one who has gone through the worst change regarding looks and moves.

The game play has lost trademarks as well, there are no more Wumpa fruits to collect, now you need to collect Mojo? Mojo? What the... Anyway this game tries to resemble Twinsanity in the free roaming aspect but it fails epically. This is due to the fact that Twinsanity keeps true to the old formula and adds the free roaming aspect, unlike this game which adds a bunch of new lame features and Titan battles that get pretty old and boring, so you are left with a Mojo collecting game that in my honest opinion doesn't deserve to be called a Crash Bandicoot game.