The Third Crash racing game is awsom just like the first 2!

User Rating: 8.5 | Crash Tag Team Racing PS2
CTTR is the third Crash racing game it's a little bit different than the first 2! GRAPHICS:Great looking graphics for the PS2! The cutscenes look great!

SOUND:The music is great but not as good as the first 3 Crash PS2 games' music! The voice acting is great too!

CONTROLS:I don't have any complain with 'em!

GAMEPLAY:This game plays the same as Mario Kart Double Dash but there is a hub world in the game! You control Crash in the Hub world which is great! The tracks are also great and the arenas are awsom! I liked the platforming in this game! My only complain is that the game isn't really long! Problems:
-Loooooong Loading Times(AGAIN!)
-Little Bit Short
-Should have more tracks!(There isn't much tracks in this game!)

OVERALL:This game is great! If you liked MKDD you going to like this game too! Score:8,7