Good game, but too easy

User Rating: 7 | Crash Bandicoot Racing (PSOne Books) PS

Like most other cartoon racing games, CTR is very easy, doesn't take very long to beat, and once you're in first place it's nearly impossible to fall out of it. In my opinion, every game should be at least a little challenging; not so much that the game is really hard to beat, but enough for the game to be fun and last long. When you beat a game like CTR fast you sometimes say to yourself now what? I beat the game already. Some people also become bored with a game they beat very quickly and stop playing it. But that's really only when someone is playing the game by them self. But, CTR is fun when you're racing friends and family. Because, not only are you playing with other people, but also, they're making the game more challenging and fun for you. Cartoon racing games like CTR are really only fun when you have someone to race against. If you're going to download CTR off the PlayStation Network or buy it from a store, you should make sure that you have people to play against so the game will be more fun and last longer.