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User Rating: 8 | Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge XBOX
Crimson Skies: HRTR is one of the few aircraft games available on the Xbox. Even so, it's got to be the best. Even though I haven't played any other Xbox plane games, I'm positive that none can exceed the quality of this one. The game itself has a good story, involving chasing down a mad scientist bent on taking over the world in an alternate universe where everybody chooses to fly planes. Smart? No. A little cliche? Not for the last 30 years, at least! I think a ridiculous story like it felt really great.
In CS: HRTR, you complete various missions in different locales, such as cities, valleys, underground bases, and even Indiana Jones-esque booby trap-filled caves. In between missions, you go back to your zeppelin to upgrade your different aircrafts you have available. The campaign is about 6 hours, and features fairly good voice actors and cutscenes.
Multiplayer is also pretty fun. You fly around various landscapes from the campaign shooting each other, repairing your plane, and obtaining power-ups scattered around.
Considering this game normally should sell for less that $10 (if you can find it) it's definitely a worthy addition to the Xbox collection.