First half of game is great, second half... not so much...

User Rating: 7.5 | Crysis 3 PC
Crysis 3, like previous games in the franchise including Far Cry, is separated from the first half and the second half. The first half of the game plays differently then the second half. Crytek likes to do this with their games.

The first half of Crysis 3 I thought was great! Id give it easily a 9.0. However, the second part of Crysis 3 the main enemy turns into the aliens and the game just becomes a frustrating mess.

The game becomes more difficult in a frustrating way, once the aliens become the main enemy. Forcing the player in many cases to just run and skip the enemy due to lack of weaponry to appropriately combat the targets.

Speaking of weaponry, the first half weapons are great and fun to shoot, the 2nd half alien weapons I found to be the opposite. In fact, for the most part in the second half it seemed as if I only had 2 options of weaponry to choose from, which is a disappointment.

Also, I found that the visuals take a hit in the 2nd half of the game. The level design is not nearly as beautiful pre alien encounter.

Might I also add that the final boss was extremely disappointing and frustrating. I played the entire game on the most difficult level of the 3. Yet when I encountered the final boss I found him extremely frustrating to beat. I got fed up and put the game on its easiest difficulty to just get through the boss and beat the game.

Simply put I would give the 2nd half of this game a 6.0

Now for the first half of the game... I thought was AMAZING.

Crysis 3 is downright beautiful. The graphics are insane, period. Some of the cut scenes were EXTREMELY impressive and a visual treat. Not only that, but I was very impressed with the overall presentation of this game. It did really feel like a AAA game, at least for the first half.

The sound of the game was great including the voice acting. On top of the terrific voice acting I thought the motional acting of the in game characters were fantastic. The motion and emotion of prophets body and face reacting to his temper was amazing to see and made the experience of playing the game more realistic. It is obvious a lot of time was taken to act out and create the acting of the characters in the cut scenes. The swearing and vulgar language in the game was also welcome.

Crysis 3 is a good game, its just too bad I found the 2nd half of the game to be a different playing experience. I finished the game in 10 hours. The difficulty for the most part was spot on. The crappy part of the game came in the last half, added to that the final boss fight really put a sour taste on the overall experience of this game. Crytek has a game here that had a lot of potential, its too bad that that they couldn't take advantage of it.