Crysis 3 lets itself down in story substance and feels more like a more linear version of the other 2

User Rating: 8 | Crysis 3 X360
I'll admit that when I saw Crysis 3 I was very happy. It looked as though the devolopers were taking the franchise back to its origins with the overgrown New York. I preordered it 2 months before release and stayed up all night playing it. I have to admit I was kinda let down by one of my favorite development teams. The campaign simply did not have enough substance and even on the harder difficulties it was far to easy. Where Crysis 3 really shines is in the maps and gameplay. Everything seems very well polished with many options on how to play. The game handles perfectly (on Xbox 360 at least) with the stealth being equally as fun as running in armor up and guns blazing. The weapons are diverse and all seem very different and it feels like real effort was put into making the game fun.The good parts are just not enough though as the buggy AI and the terribly short play time destroys all momentum the game has built up. There's a bigger problem but more on that later. In terms of multiplayer this game is perfect, the maps all work with the nanosuit and all of the guns are balanced to a fault. The multiplayer is the most skill based of any on the market and the game is worth buying even if it is just for that. The plot of Crysis 3 is a pretty big let down with a time skip that would have been really enjoyable to play. The characters in need more work as well. they all seem as though they are more like little bots with lines and non of them experience any human emotion that the player can relate to especially in the case of Psycho who seems more like the Yin to Prophets Yang. The plot is predictable in most places but it really shines sometimes when delving deeper into Psychos "skinning". The earlier mentioned big problem with the game is that Crytech tried to turn Prophet in Master Chief instead of changing the character and making him grow as well as completely forgetting about Alcatraz's dying body/mind sharing space as prophets mind in the nanosuit.This game still gets an 8 from me because it was very fun and dynamic, if a little easy at times, and the multiplayer is the best I've ever experienced.