Fun but feels bare.

User Rating: 7 | Cyberpunk 2077 PS4

Cyberpunk 2077 was one of the most anticipated games for a long time coming and as it released it had a very rocky and glitchy start, but if you can get over the glitches, you’ll have fun. Hell, some of the glitches may even cause more fun.

Story: 7/10

While the story of the world of Cyberpunk offers many choices to offer you different paths your character, V, can take, some of the paths don’t ultimately lead into a fun direction. The story does have great pacing, but depending on the route you choose, your story may not have a satisfying ending.

Score: 8/10

The music of Cyberpunk 2077 fits the game and style very well. Johnny Silverhand’s theme is very cool and exciting. I also personally love that there is a metal station on the radios.

Characters/Character Development: 9.5/10

I think Cyberpunk’s strongest point is its characters. There are certain characters that you do multiple missions for and during this time, you get to know them very well and see how they evolve and change. Characters like River, Judy and Panam really change once you begin to impact their lives.

Graphics: 9/10

The world of Cyberpunk looks amazing and gives you a real feel of a futuristic dystopia. Dirt on items and trash in the corners of alleys and buildings give it a feeling that many places in this city would be terrible to live in.

Gameplay: 8/10

The world of Cyberpunk is a great place to explore but can feel a bit unfinished especially when it comes to the density of the city. Several places along the streets of Night City looked so interesting, but as I approached them I found these buildings could not be entered which was a disappointment.

The game also has a huge arsenal of items, modifications and guns to obtain. Customizing guns to get accustomed to your playstyle feels great. However, because there are so many collectables you are constantly obtaining, doing things like modifying weapons can feel overwhelming and your inventory is full of hundreds of things you will never even use.

Difficulty: 75/10 (0 being the easiest, 10 being the hardest) (on normal)

One of the most difficult things I found about this game was the amount of hits it took in order to kill an enemy. While playing on normal, I felt like I was unloading a whole clip into an enemy before they would actually die, causing me to die and retry multiple times in any place where I was fighting multiple enemies.

Fun: 7/10

While Cyberpunk 2077 feels like a fun engaging world, it feels very bare in things you can do and places you can actually go. There were so many buildings that looked interesting that were inaccessible to go in. Other places feel very dense and alive, but it would have been great to see more of these places. Overall, the game is enjoyable but it just needs more. Although if you can look past its flaws your going to have a good time playing this.

Recommended for-

  • · Cyberpunk fans
  • · Fans of Shooting games.