DDRMAX (6th Mix) made a more impressive debut. . .

User Rating: 4.5 | Dancing Stage Universe X360
The American produced Dance Dance Revolution games are among some of the worst versions of the games out there. It seems that the American developers are trying to put their own touch to the series and they continue to fail at it. Its been proven that the Xbox "Ultramix" are sub par versions over their PS2 cousins, the focus on bland "In The Groove" style music make the Xbox games less appealing. This tradition continues forward face first with DDR Universe, the inaugural DDR mix for the seventh generation consoles. Exclusive to the Xbox 360, DDR Universe brings in about the same content you'll find on the Xbox games but with a much higher price tag (the bundle costs 80 bucks). Just about every irk and pet peeve I have with the Ultramixes are fully present in Universe, which of course was developed by the same American studio who did the Ultramix games. The first problem is the frame rate. The game runs smoother than the Ultramixes but IT STILL SLOWS DOWN! What the hell is wrong here Konami Digital Entertainment America? Are you guys stupid or something. This is the Xbox 360 we're talking about now and you still can't program smooth scrolling arrows? The graphics are pretty ugly enough as is with the generic cell shaded characters dancing to 5 year old choreography.

Bad design choices are in the mix too. The idiot developers thought it would be cool if the game had a universal banner look. All the song banners in this game have this uniform look where the fonts are the same and some generic colorful palette in the back. The music here is pretty bland. The game has about 70+ songs but an extra 10 songs on the disc have to be paid for via Xbox Live. Yes you buy the disc but 10 of the songs on that disc is not part of the admission price. . . Yeah, talk about retarded, but I believe that is M$$$ choice as its Xbox Live structure is a complete disaster for your wallet which is why PS3 has a better online structure. You have your typical songs from well known artists such as Depeche Mode, Kylie Minogue, Chris Brown, etc. You also have your standard Konami Original tracks and the all important crappy songs from no name bastard djs who lack any talent such as JT 1Up, Alien Six, etc.

DDR Universe is a stupid rip off. Why should you pay much more for a mix with just as much content as you'll find in older consoles with the same quality. This game was poorly received by fans. I've said this before, stick to the PS and PS2 games for real DDR games. Not crappy American made trash like this. POO!