great prologue to Dead Rising 2 for only 400 points.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dead Rising 2: Case Zero X360
lets get this out of the way first this game is not a demo for Dead Rising 2, it is a fully fledged prequel to the main game taking roughly about 2-3 hours to beat hence its short length being the game itself being very cheap, it is set roughly about 3 years before the main game where the zombie outbreak has taken over Las Vegas, but when chuck goes to refuel at some off the map town where somebody pinches his truck, and now has 13 in-game hours to get more zombrex for your Daughter to keep her alive and find pieces of a motorbike to get the hell out of there before the military quarantine the area.

the game has all the stuff that the original game had that made that game great, the time limit, a cool boss fight, saving survivors, cool case missions. and it also has the bad stuff from the original game fixed in this such as the save system you now have three save slot and every time to finish a case section it asks you do you want to save your game there and then, but the combat is still as clunky if not less clunky, and the survivor AI is still pretty stupid, but even better is that there can be thousands of zombies on the screen at once.
but the best thing about this game id the new combo weapons you can create from weapons with wrench icons on them and whats better is you can carry them over to your Dead Rising 2 save slot along with your level, XP, skills, and costumes, plus if you try your hardest you can get all the achievements and the 200 gamerpoints in a single or second playthrough.

so this is one arcade game you should not miss out on because it is one of 2010s best XBLA games.