Really???? If I could only get the time back.

User Rating: 3.5 | Demon's Souls PS3
The Good:

1) Graphics
2) OK combat

The Bad - The long list:

1) When someone dies they flop around like a rag-doll. Even latch onto you.
2) It isn't all that hard. The reason it is difficult it only because when you die you go so far back to play again. If you like to play the same level over and over and over and over again then you will probably like this game.
3) Walking characteristics are very fake looking., but better then some
4) Fighting someone on stairs is a guarantee you will fall off and have to start over again. And play the level yet again and again and again.
5) Load times. Usually slow on the PS3, so probably average, but still would like it to be better.
6) Menu. The menu needs to be totally redone. One of the worst menus I have seen.
7) Sound is Average at best.
8) Camera angles can get you killed, and you get to play the level over again, and again and again.


Graphics are good, but that is about it. It is easy to figure out an enemies weakness, but in doing so when you die you play the level all over again from the beginning. This is not "hard", but just time consuming and repetitive. Too many games, so little time to waste it playing the same levels over and over and over and over again, and calling that hard. It is just irritating.

But if this does not bother you I can see someone liking the game, but it is not for me. I took this into account or I would have given it a lower score. 3.5 is very generous.