Purchased on the back of the 10/10 review

User Rating: 8 | Divinity: Original Sin 2 (Early Access) PC

Simply put, this is an excellent game but don't buy it on the back of the review on Gamespot. It's not a 10/10 game - it has many flaws that reduced my overall score.

First, the story. It's just not that good. It needs condensing considerably - it's just too drawn out and I lost interest towards the end. I feel like they tried too hard to give you decisions to make, but there are too many grey areas and it ends up a blurred mess as your decisions mingle with the set story twists.

Second - the combat. It's fun and challenging for the most part, but there are phases during which the game is incredibly hard, then it seems to get very easy for a while before hitting a wall towards the end. I got to the point where in the last couple of battles I had to save on every turn as my character builds were just not good enough (I am by no means an RPG expert) to win without a ton of luck. Each battle can take hours to win through trial and error and a lot of dirty tactics on my part.

Third - the puzzles. Some of them force you to scour every inch of every location looking for something tiny that opens the path forward. Others are just obscure and without google I would never have reached the end of this game. I was sick of working things out for myself and used walk-throughs in the end - I don't think I've ever done that on my first play through of a game before.

There are other small things - I didn't think the crafting system was of much use at all. The voice acting is ok but not great as the gamespot review says.