One of the best games ever made.

User Rating: 10 | Donkey Kong 64 N64
I know what some people are thinking when they see this game, isn't this is a ripoff of Banjo Kazooie? Well I wouldn't know because I honestly have never played it. I grew up With DK 64, and never got a chance to play Banjo Kazooie. At some point I will play it. Well I guess I am getting off topic. So lets talk about the game, First off the music is absolutly outstanding the music on every level was a perfect fit for it, in fact on one of the last levels you have a limited time to save your island from being blown up, and the music is so good I feel the urgency, I feel like if I don't destroy the machine that will destroy Dk isle that it will be the end of the world. the controls are pretty good not the best ever but there good.

The collecting is actually not that bad, you think it would be but it is really not and that is actually a very good thing considering this game holds the record for the most things to collect in a video game, they set the areas up so well that its really easy to navigate through them and find everything, in fact I usally never complete games where you have to collect a ton of things with the exception of this one, let that tell you that they did an excellent job in making the collecting easy and not tedious. The boss fights are just alright some of them are even the same bosses, but overall they are just alright, (Spoiler Alert) King K Rool the final boss is the most enjoyable at of all of them he is probably the most challenging out of all of them, but he's not too hard. It's also a very comical battle which I enjoy too.

The only thing that really annoyed me and I can't stress that enough, were the mini games, some were all right but there were two that were just awful, first off minecart madness, basically you have to go through a maze trying to not get hit by Tnt barrels, this one is definitly not the worst but I just didn't like it, and everyone who has played this game knows which one the next one is. Beaver Bother, Let me first say I hate this mini game I would rather jump off a 50 million story building then play this again, basically you are a crocodile and you have to scare gophers into a hole seems easy right, no!!! it is really not! probably because the mechanics are busted, when you get the gopher right next to the hole he will literally be walking towards the hole and not fall in, you have to make the most certain movement to get them into the hole, literally just writing about this game is making me feel really angry, so at least you only have to play it once right, nope you have to play it two more time and the two more times you have to play it is on the same level!!! are you freaking kidding me twice in one level!!! Ahhhh!!! thats really the only flaw to this game, this game could possibly be my favorite game of all time if they didn't have that freaking terrible mini game!!! There is also another mission that annoys me, you have to beat this annoying bug thing twice in a race and I guess the races aren't that bad however, if you lose, which you probably will once or twice because the races are actually really hard you will have to listen to the most annoying noise that I have ever heard, I don't know how to describe it all I can say is that it is just awful and that green bug does it every time you lose, I would rather here someone scrape a chalkboard all day then listen to that noise for 5 minutes, other then that though this game is honestly amazing I love this game I would play this game any day this may be the best game on the N64 let alone one of the best games ever made.

Overall I just love what Rare did with this game, sure there are some annoying parts of this game but if you look past them, what you see is an outstanding game one of the best games ever made, If i could only play one video game for the rest of my life this game would be in my top 5 of picks, I would probably say this is my second favorite game that I have ever played after Super Mario RPG, yeah thats how much I love this game, everyone at some point should play this game.