A Nice Addition to The Series

User Rating: 9 | DOOM 3 PC

I really enjoyed this franchised, so I couldn't let Doom 3 unplayed. It was a very nice game, although I think that after we get the Soul Cube it gets a little too easy. The game looks like any normal shooter, then we are sent to hell without almost any weapon or ammunition, and we really feel like we are playing the good old Doom. The game is grim, they brought back the enemies of previous games with a great deal of realism, and some new ones that are very nice.

I confess I started playing with some amount of prejudice, I thought they wouldn't live up to the series, but as I played I thought that the franchise really deserved this continuity. The game was heavy on my graphic card, I had very little money at the time, had to play on minimum with a resolution of just 800x600, with scan lines through the screen. It was a game that was above his time in graphic quality, and was successful in bringing back this great classic.