Most Overrated Game in Years

User Rating: 6 | DOOM Eternal PC

Doom Eternal isn't a terrible game but if you liked Doom 2016, don't buy into the hype. This game isn't anything like it. Forget the revamped ammo pickup (which pointlessly uses the chainsaw to generate ammo pickups). Forget that the game looks like it was designed by someone who just got a box of 64 crayons and had to use them all. The game is repetitive, boring and has a ridiculous story (yes, more stupid than Doom 3). At times, the number of enemies it throws at you is just absurd. There are levels that will ENDLESSLY respawn the hardest to kill enemies until you kill one guy who likes to hide (good luck even finding him) and can teleport himself at will. It's about as fun as slamming your hand in a car door then opening the door and slamming it again on the other hand.

Yes, I know this isn't a popular view. I don't care. I've been playing FPS games for over 20 years. Doom 2016 was among my all time favorite games. This game isn't worth the trouble to download much less wasting your time to play.

I already know what your reply is going to be... "I played the game on Nightmare in the first play through and I never ran out of ammo and I never died." Good. Good for you. I have a job. Talk to me when you're 54 (yeah, I'm that old) and still playing games and tell me how much fun this is then. One day you'll realize they quit making games for you and only care about appealing to people who can play 10 hours a day. When that day comes, remember this review and that old w0rMy told you so.