I loved this game!!!!!

User Rating: 9.4 | DOOM II PC
Doom 2 was the game to get! it was the game that stood out from any other game. When i was about 5 years old, i usto watch my brother play this... aahhhh good times, good times. Then when i was 9, he had it on his computer again! I love this game, the graphics at the time were the best graphics around, and this game introduced the gaming world what could be accomplished in the year of ummmm.... whatever year this came out. I assume that the sound was good and a bit scary, i never heard the music because when my brother usto play, he would have blur song 2 in the background...aahhhhh good times gooooooood times.....The gameplay is the best, i could play this game for 3 hours straight and beat it 5 times without getting bored, i was simply obssessed with shoothing the cr** out of hellknights etc. This game is worth the full price that it cost when it came out, it was the best game out there. And you could play it over and over and over again and never get a slight feeling of boredom. The tilt is pretty good, everything is responsive, blowing the cr** out of demons with a bfg-9000 is always fun.... ahhhhh...good times, good times...... The puzzle elements were fun to.... ahhhh... i miss you bfg 9000 from doom 2!