The classic first person shooter... Portable =D

User Rating: 9.5 | DOOM II GBA
I've always been a big fan of Doom, obviously, because of my avatar, I like the Baron of Hell. I also like the fact that on this game the blood is green, very innovative. My personal favorite level is either Tricks and traps, or Dead Simple. Im also big fan of Cybies, Spider Masterminds, Mancubus, Knights of Hell and Arachnotrons. I hate Arch Viles because they're annoying, I hate Chain-Gunners because the burn my HP when I dont expect it. And I like Cacodemons too.My least favorite level is 'O of Destruction', the debut of the ever annoying Arch-Vile. I like the fact that this game is portable. I usually love playing this game, but its a trouble when I have to go somewhere, so this game helps me with that.