The sequel to Doom is just as good as the original.

User Rating: 9.5 | DOOM II PC
I played Doom II the same day as I played the original. Doom II is a great game.

Doom II is very similar to Doom, and it does have little new weapons and enemies, it still a worthy purchase.

Most of my feelings are the same as for Doom, so I will just cover the new elements in Doom II.

One great thing is the new weapon, the super shotgun. It has a slower reload time than the normal shotgun, and takes up two shells in one shot, but it is considerably more powerful, and has more spray per shell used than the normal shotgun.

Many new enemies were introduced in Doom II, such as the Hell Knight (a Baron with less health), the Pain Elemental (a lost soul spewing Cacodemon), and the Arch-Vile, who's flame attack can launch you in the air and has the ability to resurrect most zombies and demons, except for Pain Elementals and Lost Souls.

The new levels in Doom II are just as good as Doom's levels, except there are no episodes, so you can't just skip around the game like in Doom.

The most interesting this is the main boss. It is a giant, demon-spewing demon. It never moves, but the demons and damaging floors with kill you fast.

Doom II may not have too many new elements, but it is just as good as the first game.

I give Doom II: