One of the greatest FPS of all time

User Rating: 9.5 | DOOM II PC
Doom 2 is a bigger bad ass version of the original Doom. More monsters, bigger levels, and only one extra gun unfortunately. Doom 2 rocks due to 32 levels and some missions where there is 50 to 100 units on the screen all trying to kill you. The precursor to Serious Sam and all of those good type games. Doom 2 is a timeless classic that will not be forgotten. Just look at the cover it's a Space Marine fighting a 70+ CyberDemon with a rocket launcher arm. That it a lot more then the Ultimate Doom cover, and you fight multiple cyberdemons instead of one. Doom 2 is so great some kid at my school copied to my high school's network so students could play it at school during lunch time in the computer labs. Doom 2 is plain fun.