This game is a real Classic. The Godfather of its kind. Better then the first one!

User Rating: 10 | DOOM II PC
Everyone knows the original Doom. Considered one of the best games of all time! It was action-packed , revolutionary and very addictive! The sequel does everything what the first game did and added the double barreled shotgun, new enemies and GREAT levels!

The Graphics in this game are simply unbelievable (in that time). I still remember myself just watching to the game without playing it. It was a great experience.

The story isn't that important, because its DOOM!!! Why should we get a story. Leave that to other games! It's very funny to hear the enemies' sounds all over the place without even being able to see them! The sound in Doom 2 is as perfect as the first one! The music, sound effects..everything is perfect! I can't stop saying that word..PERFECT! I can say that about the gameplay too, because the simple action-packed gameplay is still as addictive as it was in the original Doom!

This game is a Masterpiece! It is even better then the first one!
Hands down to ID!