Doom Resurrection is the best FPS game available for iPhone. Its fun, graphical, and controls superb.

User Rating: 8.5 | DOOM: Resurrection IOS
Doom Resurrection is an on rails shooter for the iPhone akin to Doom 3.

The screenshots really lit up the idea for me but the on rails game play made me wince.

Fortunately, Doom Resurrection is a superb game!

The on rails suits the game very very well and makes game play very smooth. The action itself is so frantic it makes up for the lack of mobility by the player and once you get stuck into it you will be so immersed you will forget about it and having just plain fun.

You control the game by using a mix of touch on screen buttons and motion mechanics to move your reticle. Its actually a superb system and works really well with the game. Doom fans (such as myself) must have been cringing at this notion of game play ( as before playing the game) compared to free movement. But it really *makes* the game and it would have been very difficult otherwise. Even if you are bothered by it, the fun game play pulls you along for the ride before you get the chance to dismiss it.

You will need to calibrate the screen when you first play however if you move positions; say to a chair instead of your bed, you will need to re-calibrate through the pause menu and the reticle can become a little off centre, but its not a big deal.

The environments are the same as Doom 3 but luckily there are no recycled levels and the game is completely fresh in that perspective.

The game itself is kind of like a side story expansion from a different marines perspective.

The game is fairly short, but since its an on the run game it lasted me about 2 days playing on and off during study. It was actually longer than I thought it would have been.

Most of the monsters are back except for the Cyberdemon and Cacodemon. All have they're original sounds except for the Imp which sometimes sounds like a zombie, which can be a little odd. Most enemies either run up to you to melee while some tend to throw or shoot fire balls at you. The mechanic to handle this is the action button. Careful timing will be needed to dodge the incoming projectiles.

Most of the weapons are back also. Gladly they also feature they're awesome sound effects (looking at the plasma rifle) The pistol as the main weapon has been replaced by the Submachine Gun with limitless ammo, while the Shotgun, Chain Gun, Plasma Rifle, and BFG all require you to scour for ammo.

Another thing about the game is during the on rails sections is the new scavenger type game play where ammo and health pickups are in boxes which will need destroying or just lying around. You will need to poke the screen where the items are located to be automatically picked up.

As in Doom 3 you will be going to hell and back but with the accompaniment of a robot sentry named Sam who seemingly has clever artificial intelligence.
You will be aided by her through many of the levels to open doors and sometimes distract enemies.

The story is a bit on the cheesy side, but thats to be expected. However the dialogue in the game isn't spoken which to me was kind of a let down.

Some some of the reasons of dislike in the review Ive rated it down a little but the game is pretty much superb.

The graphics are the best the iPhone has to offer, and it really does look like a scaled down Doom 3. All the classic and enjoyable sound effects and atmosphere remain.

I'm quite frankly surprised I enjoyed it this much. Doom 3 as a rail shooter may sound bad but it really is a blast and at the low price of $3.99 its hard to ignore compared to many other overpriced iPhone games.

Don't miss Doom Resurrection, its an absolute blast.