Relaxing indie fishing game with a Lovecraftian twist

User Rating: 7 | DREDGE PC

Debut game from an indie New Zealand developer (Black Salt Games), DREDGE is a simple game about a fisherman trying to solve the mystery of some sort of creature, while trying to make money fishing.

More or less open world, with a basic upgrade system for everything from fishing lines and trawling nets to the engine(s) and hull for which you have to find the required components. There is basically no voice acting, but you don't have to read much either since everyone's dialogue in the various ports get to the point quickly.

There is really not a lot more to say about DREDGE. If you like a simple fishing game, combined with some Lovecraftian horror themes and a relatively engaging story, this is a game for you. Graphics, music and sound are good for what they are going for.

It's super stable (zero crashes), fast load times, relaxing gameplay that is never frustrating. Doesn't outstay the 8 hours or so it takes to complete.