Dungeon Siege in all its editions to date, is that game which stays with one for a long, long time. Thank you!!

User Rating: 9 | Dungeon Siege PC
Many years ago I cut my teeth on the first edition of this amazing game, Dungeon Siege. That first game killed me many times, eventually I made it through the Ice Caves and discovered awesome treasures and weaponry. This game was followed by Dungeon Siege II, what a pleasure. Additionally there were the Legends of Aranna and a short patch with the Lion people. Broken World nearly had me in the same condition, after having killed that ferocious dragon in the previous edition. But, alas, I have met my match in Dungeon Siege III. How do I get to kill those Boss monsters?! Do not answer that, as I am not into cheats and stuff like that. What a great game, the characters really grow on one, its a pity the characters are changed with every new edition of the game, but such is life. Thank you sincerely for a spellbinding game, no pun intended. Johan