User Rating: 8.8 | Shin Sangoku Musou 2 XBOX
Oh my poor thumb! What a wonderfully addicting game this is. I picked up DW3 almost a year ago when it first came out for the Xbox, and I have to say I never played anything like it before, and even now after playing it off and on since then, I still have a hard time to describe what it's all about. Let's just say once you get the hang of it, you'll probably find yourself hooked on it like I was. You basically pick a super-hero type of a character, and then fight through massive epic battles where one huge army wages war against another - and I don't mean 10 to 20 people per side, I'm mean 100's of combatants fighting along both with and against you. One game I wiped out over a THOUSAND of the enemy! There are some tactical elements of deciding where to send your super-hero next on the battlefield. It's totally up to you to decide to follow the general's orders, or to dash off to the other side of the screen because you see a better opportunity. All this comes together with really simple controls and easy to comprehend gameplay. The game has tons of replay value too; there are around 23 basic locations that are strung together to form a different Campaign for each of the 41 characters you can go thru with. You can also play each location separately to try them out. Each time thru, you find new and different items and weapons that you can use on your following excursions. The coolest part for me was actually once the battle was over, you got to see a little instant replay screen of the battle's action - there is just something so satisfying about seeing how you just kicked the enemy's butt played back to you. Also cool that you can save anywhere during a battle to pick up another time - important because some battles could last up to 90 minutes. The graphics are good, but pretty basic. Some of the battlefields are very large, you can even speed up getting around in some levels by riding a Horse or even an Elephant. The Sounds and Music are also good enough, if only a little repetitive. If you are looking for a simple but addicting game that you can replay in-between other games, then this one is perfect!