Repetitiveness is not a problem.

User Rating: 7.8 | Dynasty Warriors 3 PS2
Dynasty Warriors 3 is a solid action/fighter that gives repetitiveness a new name. Yes, people think games that are repetitive equal snorefest, but in this case Dynasty Warriors 3 equals the complete opposite. The game is overall enjoyable, and can be played hour upon hour.

The graphics are pretty decent considering the playstation2's standards. The game fits roughly around eighty AI and you on the screen at once, which allows insane hack fest. The surroundings are nicely detailed, and the lighting gives you the feel of what time of day it is. The only down side of the graphics are the fighting. When ever you hit an enemy they tend to always jerk back, no different motions. Other then that the fighting can run smoothly and the weapon motions are good.

The sound quality is good. The sound of your weapon cutting into a guy is pure enjoyment. The music though can get repetitive, but once again in a good way. There are some nice memorable songs in the game, which will make you hum later. The music gives you the ancient Chinese feel, and fits in with the style of the game.

Now for the gameplay. The basic gameplay of Dynasty Warriors 3 and most Dynasty Warriors games is hack and slash, retreat, find more guys, hack and slash again. The only difference to this hack and slash is the feel of it. You can do a power attack bv pressing triangle and then a more quick basic attack pressing square. If you combine these two buttons together, you can unleash some nice hack and slash combos. The circle button is your mushu attack, which is one huge magic attack that destroys everyone in your path. Of course x is to jump and you can use the jump and attack buttons too. The main point of each level is to defeat the other army's general which is the flashing red icon on your map. Of course theres cut scenes and sub missions that you can do on the way, but for the most part, kill the general you win. When you win you level up, making your character powerful, and insane. You can also (during battle) look for items which may be your characters weapons, or new weapons. Overall this is the basic gameplay, and theres some nice two player options avaliable.

Overall this game is solid, and makes repetitive fun! Theres always new maps and storyline sub plots. You can also plan out your attack on the battlefield. This game delivers nice classic and fun gameplay, and a great story, and some memorable characters. I say this is the best one out of the Dynasty seris. This can be a buy, but then again it leans more towards a nice rent.