A really strong beat-em up game.

User Rating: 8.7 | Shin Sangoku Musou 2 XBOX
Around the Dynasty Warriors series, I've been a fan of this gaming, but then came in DW2, DW3, DW4, and now DW5. They are the same thing by doing the war over again. Many people thought it was a piece of crap because of the same formula, but I thought it wasn't so bad. The game story is very simple, you play as any of the heros from each of the kingdoms(Shu, Wu, Wei and Other Forces which are actually villians that you can play as) and try to defeat the other kingdom or kingdoms. There are some of the ususal gaming modes such as Musou Mode which is the story mode, Free Mode is for training and weapon unlocking, (Note: You can only play levels when are done or seen) verses mode which is officer vs. officer to the death, the data base which shows every officer, weapons and items that you have unlocked challenge mode and the options menu. The best mode in the game is the challenge were you get to do either Endurance and Time Attack(Endurance: You will have to defeat as many enimies as you can without losing to anybody. Time Attack: Defeat 100 enimies as fast as you can.) because it is so intense. You can even put your score on www.koeigames.com (enter code). This game is not like defeating 15 enimies, their are always more than 200 enimies attacking you. The way to defeat the army of soldiers is defeat the Gate Captain because it will stop putting more enimies in that spot (Bonus: You always get a shield after defeating Gate Captains which will increase your defense forever). Like you, they will be enemy officers and allied officers as well. Defeat officers to increase abillites such as shields and swords. Protect your officers so they will not die. Over all, this is a great game if you have a XBOX or a PS2.