An amazing game, far better than the new dw

User Rating: 9.6 | Dynasty Warriors 3 PS2
DW3 is by far the best DW in the whole series including the new DW5. You will get the chance to play as around 40 or so characters playing on different sides in different stories all around china. The missions are great and the co-op campaign is great fun. Your skills keep totalling up after every mission you play and you also find new weapons and items. The harder difficulty you put it on the more likely you are to find better weapons and items. You can also get items through the mini games which are also great fun. During the game your attacks are nearly all combos. Your combos get more powerful and longer as you get new weapons. After you have played for a while you will find yourself with one of the powerful characters like Lu Bu (on the cover) kiilling hundreds of people at a time. This is what makes it so fun. But best of all the game is such a classic. You dont have all the rubbish on the new ones like weapon levelling and catapults (although that sounds good, it isn't) and the whole @Empires' series. A must have.