Sorry, it is flawed! The kinect can't see you, it pauses all the time and it has to little customization built in.

User Rating: 2.5 | EA Sports Active 2 X360
First of; The avatar you create and play with is ugly and is impossible to make to your own image! The customization there is non existing at best.

Second; The game loses contact with you all the time. Some exercises are made on your back on the floor and then the kinect can't see you and pause the game, in the middle of a rep.

Third; The box says that you should be 2.1 meters away from the sensor; try 3.1 meters as a minimum (and my living room ain't that big)

Fourth; Gameplay is a bit 'twitchy' at best. When following the trainer I notice my avatar jumping around, standing up, going sideways and waving arms whilst I haven't moved a muscle. The sensor isn't even trying to mimic my movement; it makes movement up all by itself. When that happens the trainer will keep saying that you are doing the exercise wrong. Great!

Fifth; The heartrate monitor kills me at times. While running like a mad man from a crazy person my pulse actually went down by 50 bpm... =/
A moment later I went to cardiac arrest, I was reaching for the phone an started dial 911. The heartrate monitor is an important tool in the game to keep scores and monitor progress, it doesn't work.

I will keep playing this exercising program but only because I want to get fit and I am to stupid to quit, the game needs tweaking. Hopefully I learn to cut the corners so I get what I want!