Worst AI In Gaming?

User Rating: 6 | Empire: Total War PC
Here is a scenario. Your army of thousands is right outside the gates of a fort. You click to attack and scale the walls of the fort only to have your army run around in circles. If you are lucky and your army does scale the wall, you are open to attack until every single one of your slow characters scale the wall, meanwhile the guys who did climb are getting pikes shoved up their ass and you are unable to give them orders. If you somehow are able to fend off the enemy and you want to position your army to take out the enemy from the walls of the fortification you may be in for a surprise. The AI of your army will often do nothing in the confined spaces of a fort and may not ever attack at all.

These issues make what could be a good strategy game and makes it more of a gimmick. One would think that after so many games Creative Assembly would have gotten it right by now. The game has a number of patches and although they impressively help with the performance, even with the best PC's, the AI remains the same.

Overall, the game is entertaining, but not worth serious time. Go play Fallout 3 instead.