A great game that gets overlooked far too often.

User Rating: 8 | Extreme-G N64
Extreme-G is criminally overlooked when people think back on the great N64 games. It is miles ahead of F-Zero X, and yet it isn't recalled as often. It is truly great, but it's just not amazing.

I can't specifically mention problems I have with it because it seems like I don't have any, the game just, isn't perfect for some reason.

I really like just about everything about this game. The music isn't particularly memorable, but the graphics were good for the time if I remember correctly. The game is definitely not bad to look at. The gameplay is good too, I am just having a hard time trying to find what I dislike about it. So, I guess it's pretty good.

In conclusion, Extreme-G is quite good, though I'm not sure exactly why. I definitely like it more than F-Zero X. As far as I'm concerned, Extreme-G is up there with the best racers, arcade or otherwise, on the N64.