will not disappoint you, beyond your expectations

User Rating: 10 | Fallout 3 X360
Considering I knew how Oblivion played, I knew that Fallout 3 will use the same engine as Oblivion. You will quickly see the similarities to Oblivion as you progress through the beginning in the Vault related to character development.

The combat is outstanding. Using VATS and shooting any limb you choose is just so much fun! I remember shooting shooting two enemies' heads off one after the other. It was too wicked.

Story line is just too good, it sucks you in, makes you feel like everything that happened, really happened!

Graphics are phenomenal. After you finally leave the Vault, you will know what I mean. The world is big, REALLY big.

Game runs extremely well on the 360, perfect frames and no hitches what so ever. I'm sure it will the same on the PS3 and PC.