Fantastic Pets is a decent pet sim game like Kinectimals with a lot more pet customization, but less content.

User Rating: 6.5 | Fantastic Pets X360
Gameplay 6- Rather than travel from area to area like the kitty-sim game, in Pets you earn gems by playing various minigames and doing basic pet maintenance; such as feeding the right choice of food for the animal, brushing, and bathing.

It is pretty fun at first, but the low number of different things to do can get old after a while. There is incentive to unlock things however, though the extra play modes seems to have taken a back seat to how many different ways it is possible to make your pet look.

Kinect controls work fairly well, though in your play area make sure you dont have furniture too close to the sensor on the sides or some minigames dont function correctly. Such as in the pinata game there was one stuck on my computer desk off to the side and no matter where I swated with my hand i couldnt break it.

Graphics 8- This game uses augmented reality for the 'home' screen, meaning that it shows what the sensor sees on your screen with your pet walking around the room. This is combined with colorful and cartoony style graphics for the pets. The animals and backgrounds look great.

Sound 6- Basic music accompanies gameplay along with pet sounds, and the computer AI that talks to you. This speech gets to be rather annoying and thankfully you can turn the voice down to mute if you choose.

Fun factor 7- Starts out fun, but can easily wear thin after a while. This is not one of those games you would spend a whole day playing. It is best in short periods.

Replay Value 6- Seeing your cute pet on screen has its charm, but the lack of much to do is disappointing. Fantastic Pets is not broken by any means or bad, it is just average. Luckily the kinect controls work well.

Final Score- 33/50