Bland, tedious and boring

User Rating: 6 | Far Cry 6 PC

After taking down the third checkpoint exactly the same way, I worried this would be the entire game. It was. Anti-Aircraft sites were worse. I'd usually die because I was so bored that I became careless.

This is compounded by the lack of feeling of character progression. Far Cry 3 through New Dawn did this in ways I liked (New Dawn is my favorite, yet they did water down the skill tree too much.) In Far Cry 6, it's all about gear with no consistency. It may have been by chance but within a dozen hours of gameplay, I had the clothing I used for most the game.

By the halfway point, I had the weapons I stuck with through the rest of the game with a few exceptions, mostly out of curiosity. For example, I briefly exchanged my rocket launcher for a grenade launcher; switched back when it wasn't killing enemies (the bullet sponge issue is real and annoying.)

All this could have been tolerable if the tasks weren't mostly fetching stuff like a trained dog. Then there are the absurd "let's deface billboards" or "have a concert" missions (and having to listen to whiners explain the mission, at least until I got fed up with listening to them--having characters yack endlessly is one of the worse trends in computer gaming.)

The story itself had real issues. Why was the scientist doing experiments with this amazing medical breakthrough? Why hasn't every government descended on Yara for this miracle drug? I kept expecting to find out the whole thing was a con and really just another form of meth (or it did cure cancer at the expense of turning those being treated into addicts who would literally die if they stopped.)

And the ending. Good grief it was bad. Beyond being nihilistic, you don't even get to kill the big bad (Far Cry 3 copped out with Vaas; you'd think they learned!)

Other issues: Enemy AI can be comically bad, with soldiers dancing between two posts. The downed helicopter jumping around like a horse cracked me up.

The music was generally good, but why did it lift themes from Far Cry 5 and New Dawn? That was really jarring. In a related vein, FC 5/ND intrinsically solved the population problem. For Esperanza, martial law was used as the excuse, though it made no sense since there were civilians walking around, but it still felt awkwardly empty. (Martial law will be enforced by no soldiers!)

The game was playable and a few parts great fun, so I gave it a six. Even then I hesitated. I wouldn't recommend it unless, like me, you got it on huge sale. This is a $25 game, maybe.

(This game had some weird bugs. There is a threat meter where suddenly special forces come after you. More than once, my threat meter was at, or close to, zero, I did two headshots and it went to 100%. Huh? Or I was driving and my car suddenly spun around. Then there is flying; why not use the FC 5 code?)