EA has absolutely shit the bed. Once again.

User Rating: 1 | FIFA 19 NS

Now, I own the digital version of the game, not once have I wanted to own a disc so badly for the sole reason of being able to burn the game and remove its absurdly wasteful $60 existence from my home. After trying to give this game many chances, I have finally come to the point of uninstalling it, for the third time, but this time permanently. As well as boycotting future ea games forever. I have been playing fifa since about fifa 08 and I have decided that this fifa is the worst game (not just fifa) I have ever played. I will switch to PES before even considering another fifa title, and I hate PES. The combination of unrealistic game physics, a disgusting excuse of working game mechanics, and dogshit music (I used to love fifa soundtracks) has truly earned an "abysmal" game rating. Not to mention the money-sucking trap that is ultimate team. EA has lost any respect from myself as well as my gaming associates. I would like to say that I look forward to next years fifa because they might fix the problems with the current title. But fifa is a bunch of lazy assholes who haven't done anything but worsen a game since 2012. I abhor the idea of EA making money on such a lazily made game and I hope deep down that the community does not continue to waste their (or their parents) hard earned money on this tortuous-to-play, shittier-than-last-years-shitty-game, sad-excuse-of-a-game game. Please be good consumers and do not support a terrible product. Seriously, this game sucks.