Simple and addictive

User Rating: 8 | Flight Control HD PS3
Both the Move controller and the Sixaxis perform well, so you can use either one if you wanna play with up to 4 players. Your goal is pretty simple, control the paths of the incoming aircrafts and make them land without crashing.

This is a game which you cannot win, but you can only lose. It's like an endurance trial which goes forever until you crash, similar to games such as Icy Tower. The visuals are nice and simple. Each aircraft has their own color associated with their own unique landing strip where it must land as well as different flight speed which you must take into account. The game is all about quick reflexes and thinking on the spot.

It's a game which you will keep on coming back to play just one more time and increase your high score. There are online leaderboards and ranks for each level. From the start you can pick from up to 9 unique levels, some having special conditions like the direction if wind, or day and night cycles.

The only bad thing in Flight Control HD is the soundtrack, there is only one track and its very short. It doesn't even loop, once its done you will be playing in total silence for the rest of the level. Thankfully the game features custom soundtrack support which is a lifesaver.

There are a few trophies to unlock but they are all easy which wont take you more than an hour or two to obtain. A few more levels or modes wouldn't hurt, but still the game is really cheap and is worth it if you like simple but addictive games that make you keep on coming back to perfect your techniques.