It's no Pokemon, but it is very entertaining.

User Rating: 7 | Bokura wa Kaseki Horida DS

The Good: Creative and charming story, funny characters, effective gameplay, excellent use of strategy, interesting level design, fun fossil cleaning minigame.

The Bad: Bland vivosaur design, gameplay modes get repetitive after a while, unimpressive graphics, dumb ending.

Dinosaurs. They're awesome. You know what would make dinosaurs more awesome? Being able to collect them and fight people against them! Thankfully, in Fossil Fighters, you can do just that.

In this game, you play as a twerpy kid who's going to this island to become a champion fossil fighter! While there, you meet the Fossil Fighters professor, a girl with pink hair, and a Team Rockets rip off. But while there, something bad happens. It is up to you to fix the problem and save the world! Okay, now onto the review.

From reading that, you may think the story is stupid, but it's actually not. It sounds stupid because I told it that way. It's actually pretty creative and kind of charming. It's one of those stories that you can't help smiling at. The characters are also entertaining and funny. It makes the game enjoyable.

The gameplay is simple, yet really effective. I like the turn based RPG elements and how there is a star attacker and the sidekicks. It makes the battles entertaining and can make some battles challenging. I like the strategy of the elements and which vivosaurs (your pet dinosaurs) attack at the best positions. It's pretty creative, except for the fact that the different types of vivosaurs do the same moves practically. The big T-Rex like ones do the same attacks, the bird ones do the same attacks, the four legged vegetarian ones do the same attacks. There isn't a whole lot of variety in move sets. But, they're named differently than each other, so that's good enough for me.

That being said, the game is very easy, especially if you power up your vivosuars up a lot. At a high level, your vivosaur can pretty much plow through everything, even the bosses. Even the final boss is easy.

There are also a whole bunch of parks where you can go to dig fossils. I like these stages. They're creative and have good level designs, they don't seem too similar. As for the digging, yeah, it's ok. You basically press the shoulder buttons, walk to where you see the green dot at the sonar above, and press A. No real challenge or skill or anything, just that.

The fossil cleaning minigame is a lot of fun. It controls really well and it's exciting because you never know what you're going to get. It can get repetitive after a while because you have to do this for every fossil you ever get, but it's still fun.

The visuals are ok. They seem kind of stiff and they seem to have a weird texture. The vivosaurs actually look pretty good, but they aren't anything special.

The worst part about the game is the ending. It's incredibly stupid. What happens is (WARNING: SPOIL ALERT) That when you go to fight the final boss, you have to bring one of the girls with you. Once you defeat the final boss, the girl either loses her memory or gets frozen in stone. All hope is lost, until the Digadig chief leader comes out of nowhere, shakes his hips, and everything is happy again. Yeah, that's dumb. What makes it worse is that once you beat the game, there's really nothing else for you to do. No extra quests or anything. You just go around and dig more fossils and occasionally unlock rare ones.

Overall, this game is fun. It's no Pokemon or anything, but it is enjoyable to play and experience. Even though it's easy, the vivosaur moves aren't creative, the gameplay modes get repetitive, the graphics aren't great, and the ending is stupid, it still has a fair share of good elements, like the RPG elements, the fossil cleaning while it lasts, the entertaining story, and funny characters. Go ahead and give it a try. It's worth trying at least once.