I've Never Enjoyed Dying in a Game so MUCH!

User Rating: 10 | Friday the 13th: The Game PC

At 120+ hours now, I'm still loving this game as much as I did on it's release day when I couldn't break away long enough to bother reviewing. Yes, I'm a fan of both the movies AND the original NES game. This game is no different and for me, it's like being in the movies every time I play(exceptions being the immersion blockers of leavers and the occasional pk'er because people, in general, suck.)


Everything is right. The cabins and the woods perfectly evoke the natural spooky feeling surrounding the camps as seen in the movies. It's amazing the detail they put into re-creating the movie cabins and main houses such as Packanack. So much thought went into this! The textures of the wood, The ripples in the lake, the way the blood glistens off of Chad's sweater are all accurately depicted. The color scheme of the cabins and maps in general continue to be impress me with their pleasing schemes. We can look ANYwhere around us as we move and spectate. The shadows and light are correctly depicted no matter where the counselors point the flashlight. The hair moves naturally. The blood splatters efficiently. Where people have been critical of the counselor expressions, they fail to understand that the movies were somewhat known for the overacting of the actors and is the reason for it.


Seems state-of-the-art to me. Counselors can hear each other if nearby, but not the ones who have a walkie-talkie. Counselors w/a walkie can talk but if you don't have one, you don't hear. Dead counselors can hear the live ones, but not vice versa. And this is playing with people from across the globe. I still have no idea how they pull this off.

The music sets the immersion and is inCREDibly accurate with distance in proportion to Jason. It's scary, it's suspenseful, it's not overbearing. And of course, the score is as gorgeous as ever.


I could go on and on about this, but suffice it to say, I've had some of the most enjoyable multiplayer experiences of my life with this game. Things get crazy sometimes and the antics can be truly cinematic. While I continue to die early, regularly and my Jason abilities are far from top notch, I'm still having fun. Perhaps others that don't enjoy it as I do lack some of the imagination, but for me, it's fresh every time. There is much diversity in playstyle, not only with being either the predator or the prey, but the large amount of perks available that mix and match in many ways. The kills are glorious for us horror fans and I'm so glad they did not hold back. Combat mode really puts an edge on the game for more serious players.

I cannot WAIT to see what they come up with in the future and see this creation as literally a game-changer in the future of mp games. One of the best games of my lifetime and I've been at it since Pong with hundreds between then and now.