For the love of God don't smoke, drink, or have sex in the woods!

User Rating: 8 | Friday the 13th: The Game XONE

Just to be completely transparent here, before I start this I want any readers to know that I did Kickstart this game. I can't say I'll be completely objective in every word that follows, but that's more due to my being a huge Jason fan than having kicked some money to the funding efforts. But still, better to put it out there.

OK, with that out of the way, I want to say that I adore this game. Gun Media and Illfonic are clearly fans of the Friday series and it shows in every way. From the intricate designs of the campgrounds to the way Jason moves (mo-cap provided by none other than Kane Hodder himself mind you) to the archetypal counselor/victims that you will spend way more of your time playing than Jason, everything feels authentic to the Friday the 13th brand. It looks right, it moves right, it sounds right. If you're a fan you will adore this. If you're not a fan though, there is still plenty to enjoy.

The developers have made a game that is just as much fun to lose and it is to win. It's a great feeling when you manage to slip away in the car or manage to call the police and make it to the exit. It's even better when you get to be Jason. But even when you outright lose, it's still fun to play. Rummaging for supplies may not be the most exciting gameplay loop every published, but the constant tension provided by the ticking clock, the ever intensifying music signaling you to Jason's constant power creep and the feeling of anxiety as you try to cobble a way to survive out of whole cloth, the game pushes all the right buttons. Even when you get caught by Jason himself and he begins to shuffle off your mortal coil, the animations are fun and often unexpected. They are gruesome (if you're into that) and often they are pulled straight from the series though many are completely original. If you are lucky enough to come across a group who likes to role play within the context of the game then you can find yourself having some real fun here. Even as a game to view on Twitch, this seems ideal and wonderfully suited to today's gaming scene.

Of course that's not to say everything is perfect. The server issues and bugs have been widely discussed at this point and sadly most of what you have heard is true. You'll inevitably find yourself working around some of these issues, often only being able to get a game when you find a party who's already going strong. I can only give you the dedicated fan perspective here, but I honestly think many of the bugs add to the charm. Jason's films were never highly polished affairs to begin with. They were made on shoestring budgets for fans who cared more about the people who did the effects than the people in front of the camera. And a game that occasionally boots Jason halfway across the map for no reason seems pretty perfect for this franchise. People who don't want to overlook a few issues you will likely end up hating this game. But if you're willing to take the good with the bad, Friday the 13th feels true to the experience of a Jason film in a way I never expected. The movies are less like artistic film making and more akin to theme park rides and the game has the same feeling. You may barf afterwards, but it's certainly a wild ride and fun from start to finish!

Having said that, and made the theme park ride analogy, I'll further say that I won't blame anyone who takes a look at this rickety roller coaster and declines a seat. It is buggy and at times technically frustrating. That said, this is a review of what is there and what is there is pretty fun when it works. Like any multiplayer only affair, the group your with plays as much of a role to your enjoyment as the graphics or sound design, etc.