Friday the 13th: The Game Issues

User Rating: 8 | Friday the 13th: The Game XONE

So I'd like to tell you I'm a software developer, not for this game, but I've been a part of a team which made horror survivals, now I prefer RPG-s.

At this point the game might be buggy, but it is a great fun with a really good atmosphere. They're still using the unreal engine which is easy to be hacked by avarage gamers

from pc. There are some problems with the server, but only few times. When I was Jason and killed the host he or she automaticly kicked me out every time.

The people are not grown up enough to play! And I don't speak about the kids. One guy came out from a cabin and I grabbed him 5 times, and he stabbed me 5 times with pocket knife.

It is pretty rare when you find two of them, but you can carry only 3 at maximumm. And he didn't go to another cabin during the chasing, so he can't get plus 2. But I have plenty of

these stories. All of the Jasons have weaknesses and strength. I saw Jasons who weak against bear traps and it doesn't took a sec. to free himself. Most of the servers have

a defense against cheats, but if someone doesn't do it often in a game it also can cause some bugs. So, find your partners, make a private room and try it. Much as I know the Xbox live

has more players so the chance for these issues are bigger.