the gameplay is as smooth as the lines bond delivers.

User Rating: 9 | From Russia With Love PS2
from russia with love is a great game. sean connery himself plays bond so every line 007 says is said just how it should. the controls are smooth and intuitive. the best new feature is the bond focus mode. once you target an enemy you can press the square button to go close up. it shows weak points like grenades and you can control the aiming reticule to just the right spot while behind cover or while running and gunning. using bond focus is key to getting through the game. the game contains some simple upgrading which you do by spending research points wich are obtained by doing certain tasks. there's a light cover system that alows you to hide behind walls and nothing else. it's no gears of war but it still works. there's also a 4 player split-screen multiplayer but it feels like an after thought. with only a handful of maps and no online mode it's easy to see why it's a extra. bond moments return but this time there's only one per level and you can see what is in the pause menu. in all from russia with love is a great game. it's kinda short and on the easy side but it is still a blast from start to finish.

note: please read other reviews to learn more about the game.