a must have game for lovers of strategy games and city management.

User Rating: 8 | Frostpunk PC

I do not usually play strategy games where we should organize a city and etc, but Frostpunk called my attention to the theme and also because I was being praised and I decided to play and I liked it a lot, I had a good time playing it, first there is a story interesting and difficult decisions must be made that affect the population a lot and this will make you have to make decisions that you do not think are just for the good of your population, it shows that not always what you think right should be taken, we must do the times we must make drastic decisions only for the good of the people, even if it does not seem right, it is a game that needs to devote its time to build and etc, but it is not such a long game if you get a good rhythm you make it fast, obviously it's not a game for everyone, who does not enjoy games where there is no action and nothing of the type will not like it, now those who like this style Frostpunk is an obligatory game thorium. Note 83