What the.. 5.7!!!

User Rating: 9 | Full Auto 2: Battlelines PS3
Why is GameSpot Haten on this game!!! I had more fun with this game then any racer before. There saying the cars are bad! The Ferther you get the more SWEET CARS and Weapons you get!

Its realy a good game and the Grafics are amazing!!! So Its like a Fighter, Shooter, and Racing game in One. You Have a car with gus and soot down people ether to win a race or a Battle. You fight Smaller bosses and when you defeat them you get there car and then you fight a Boss and get there car. So the More Races you win the more cars and weapons you get. Cars are in classes S,ABCD,

After beating story and Getting to AWESOME S Rank Cars, You can Go Online, VS a Freind, or do free play Battles and Races. Or do them before of imbetween the story. All the cars are avalible online but the cars you get in Free Play Depend on what you unlocked in Stroy.

Grafics: 10/10
Story: 9/10 Long Took me 3(10 hour)days
Online: 5/10 Its ok, But you cant comunicate and you mined as well play free play. But haveing all the cars is nice.
Multiplayer/Free play: 9/10 Only 2 players. Having to unlock things is a way of life but It takes forever!
Rating: 9/10
It defenetly no 5.7/10 This game can compare to Burnout and Need for Speed.