Gears of War 1 was a more of a let down for me but Gears of War 2 got me back into the series.

User Rating: 9 | Gears of War 2 X360
Story: Gears of War 2 picks up six months after the lightmass bomb went off and the locust are starting to have a full fledged return and by unknown reasons are sinking entire cities. You once again take the role of Marcus Fenix a COG soldier and is the leader of delta squad. Delta and many other COG Gears are sent on grindlifts down into the underground Hollow,the lair for the locusts. There they find out how the locust are sinking cities and what their real plan is and Marcus is curious why his father is in Locust computer records. First off the story is much better than the first game's, it is actually follows a clear path unlike the first game. The characters are more developed and feel much more real. The story itself is basically a war story to save the planet from invaders and it does hit some interesting notes toward the end. The story itself does its job and keeps everything in order.

Graphics: If it is one thing that the first game did it was have very impressive graphics and really show case what the Xbox 360 can do, and this is no exception. The character models, and designs, look very cool,bad ass, and some times plain nasty and that is all good stuff. The environments are all detailed but are mostly colorless to simulate a world in chaos. The guns,explosions,voice acting, and soundtrack all sound great for the most part. The only real bad parts is that some people may not like the colorless environments and the character designs but in my eyes the graphics are going to get a very high score for being very impressive and an over all improvement over the first game.

Gameplay: Gears of War 2 is a standard third person shooter and doesn't do anything terribly innovative, but man does it get this right. When you enter a fire fight it uses a more realistic approach by having a cover system which works for the most part, sure you might get stuck every once and a while but besides that it works almost flawlessly. You get a pretty good variety of weapons to mess around with. There is a very big variety in the enemies and can range from simple drones to titanic sized Brumaks. Another thing to mention is that, unlike the first game, Gears of War 2 has a much bigger scale and feels much more epic and it really feels like your fighting a war. Along with a fun campaign you are going to get a long campaign, which can span from 15 to 20 hours. Bottom line the game is pure fun and it only has a few dull moments.

Multiplayer: I am really sorry but I could not get any multiplayer at all so it will not be included in the review.

The Verdict/ Final score

Story 8.5: A pretty good war story that is without a doubt better than the first game's

Graphics 9.5: A true show case of great graphics on the system and shows that the 360 can compete with the PS3.

Gameplay 9.5: other than a few dull moments, this games scale is pure epic and pure fun.

Multiplayer: N/A

Enjoyment 9: Had a great time playing this and I can't wait for Gears of War 3.

The verdict: 9.1 (9)