One word......BORING!

User Rating: 6 | Gears of War 3 X360
I've played the first two GOW and they were really fun on CO-OP, on single player they lost some ZAZZ. They were challenging and the levels were fun and different.
Some how I don't find this game challenging. The levels are too linear! And every level it's the same thing,start the level off with some banter, fight a few baddies, more banter, something big shows up, end with more banter. There is so much banter between the characters they spend just as much time wise cracking as they do fighting. I was simply tired of all the talk, it did nothing to the storyline..sure it added a little character, but they went overboard with it.

This is the first GOW where I was actually bored of playing it real quick, but have stuck it out just because it's the conclusion. But I can only play it a half hour to an hour before I have to put it down because I'm bored.

On the good side the game look great, but the awe is gone out of it. There's plenty of weapons to use. The controls are good. The voice acting is good, and the dialogue is good....just too much of it. The game does pick up at the end, but it still felt like the effort wasn't put into the game that they did the first one.

I also didn't like that too many achievements were allocated to multiplayer. Very little of the achievements in the game are for the campaign itself.

I didn't really enjoy the multi-player neither. If you thought Halo jumping was annoying, it's nothing compared to players rolling around the screen whenever you shoot at them. The cover system isn't bad, and I like the revive/execute ability, but everyone rolling around everywhere just annoyed me. I did like the Horde fights though, probably my favorite of the multi-player.

I know no one is going to agree with my review, but that's okay. I just expected more of a challenge and less linear game play.