GoW3 delivers of action, a good story, and fun gameplay. The straightforward and to the point attitude make it great.

User Rating: 9 | Gears of War 3 X360
I've got to be honest, I was hesitant to play Gears of War because it is a third-person shooter and I much prefer first-person shooters. I was thinking I would be comparing it with FPS games such as Call of Duty. However, GoW is completely different than what I was expecting, in a good way.

Gears of War 3 was developed by Epic Games and released by Microsoft exclusively for the Xbox 360 in 2011. It is the 3rd installment in the Gears of War series. This was my first Gears experience so I'm not an expert on the storyline from the previous two games so I will focus on the story just for this one.

Marcus Fenix is a soldier who is part of The Coalition of Ordered Governments, which is code for unnecessarily large humans wearing big breast-plated armor holding large guns. Marcus receives information that his father, who he previously thought was dead, is in fact alive. The purpose of the game is to rescue Adam Fenix. Marcus and other COG members must defeat the Locust, Lambent, the Imulsion, and their Queen, Myrrah. Once they arrive at Azura, where Adam Fenix is being held, they use a weapon to destroy the Imulsion/those infected by the Imulsion. That's the gist of it.

If you're tired of the main storyline you can always opt for the online multiplayer alternative, specifically the Horde game mode. I've got to say, for some reason I was not expecting much from the multiplayer mode in this game but it was highly entertaining. You and up to four others have to fend off hordes of enemies. They come in rounds, increasing in volume and difficulty as you progress.

Let me just say, I loved this game and here's why. Firstly, the objectives were clear, always accessible on you screen, and could be located by pressing the LB. You can also use LB to locate your team if you can't see where they are. Secondly, the gun system was unique as far as I'm concerned. It allows for 2 main weapons, 1 pistol, and 1 type of grenade. I've never encountered a system like this before but I quite liked it. Thirdly, I didn't love the third person aiming and running around AT FIRST, however it did grow on me. It separates itself from all of the other shooting games out there at the moment. Lastly, when Marcus is running you are subjected to hilarious close up shots of his ass. There's an image for you.

There are a wide variety of weapons to choose from, be they Lancers, Boomshots, Shotguns etc. Once you've significantly wounded an enemy you press Y when standing next to them to perform a gruesome kill. Each weapon will provide a unique kill to add to your list. In certain parts of the game other machinery will be available to you. I'm talking about The Loader and The Silverback. The Loader is an exoskeleton designed to lift heavy cargo and kick the crap out of cars. The Silverback is an exo-suit with a machine gun and a missile launcher. I thought these were great additions to the weapon arsenal.

A few other things to note; there was practically zero loading time between scenes and gameplay. This was a big plus for me because I can sometimes get impatient while playing. The graphics were stellar although I will always have a super soft spot for the newer Final Fantasy graphics, starting with FFX, but I loved these almost as much.

Overall, GoW3 delivers tons of action, a good story, and fun gameplay. The straightforward and to the point attitude of this game is the reason why it's so great.