Remarkable RPG that has set new standards for the genre

User Rating: 8 | Genshin Impact PC

Gameplay: The gameplay in "Genshin Impact" is a blend of action, exploration, and elemental strategy. Players control a Traveler who can wield different elemental powers, switch between characters, and engage in fast-paced combat. The elemental system adds depth to battles, requiring players to strategize and combine abilities for maximum impact. Additionally, puzzles and challenges scattered throughout the world keep the gameplay engaging and rewarding.

Character Diversity: With a roster of characters, each with unique elemental abilities, weapons, and personalities, "Genshin Impact" offers an impressive level of diversity. Players can form parties with characters of their choice, experimenting with different combinations to adapt to various challenges. The gacha system for acquiring characters adds an element of excitement and anticipation to the game

Storytelling: The narrative of "Genshin Impact" is another high point. The story follows the Traveler's quest to reunite with their lost sibling while uncovering the mysteries of Teyvat. Engaging characters and well-paced storytelling make players genuinely care about the game's world and its inhabitants. Frequent updates introduce new storylines, ensuring that the adventure never grows stale.

Monetization: While "Genshin Impact" is free to play, it does feature a gacha-style monetization system for acquiring characters and equipment. Some players may find the rates for obtaining 5-star characters a bit low, but the game is entirely enjoyable without spending money. miHoYo's commitment to providing a fair free-to-play experience is commendable.