Fun gameplay, non-existent story and characters

User Rating: 6 | GhostWire: Tokyo PC

I suppose if you're an Evil Within fan this won't surprise you much, but Ghostwire's story is not the reason to play this game. Heck, I'd even say Evil Within has more of an actual story than this game did. The premise is laughable (random guy gets possessed, his sister just so happens to be the one kidnapped by the big bad to carry out his Evil Plan), and these writers seem to be allergic to any kind of exposition. If you think the world is cool (it is) and are wondering how it works, how it came to be, or are hoping for any kind of consistent internal logic to pick up on, you're going to be disappointed.

It became somewhat obvious by the time the credits rolled that this was a very lazy/inept attempt to tell a story similar to Death Stranding. Unfortunately, the story here is all payoff, no setup. They try to cache in on an emotional ending without doing any of the narrative work to make you care about it. At all. While I appreciate the ambition, these writers either need to work harder or realize when their reach exceeds their grasp.

But if you have nothing better to do one night, you may as well rent this game and bust some ghosts for a few hours. The combat system, aesthetics, and overall world concept is a nice love letter to Japan and it's myths/folklore about death, spirits, and the afterlife. Otherwise it's a hard pass. No idea how it scored higher than a seven on this site.